Joshua McKenzie


Technical Courseware Developer

Since 2019

Develop content and lab exercises for a variety of courses while spearheading process transformation.

Technical Training Specialist

Since 2013

Deliver professional technical education with a focus on Juniper Networks products.


Juniper Networks

Oct 2019 – Present | Technical Courseware Developer

Course content developer focused on Juniper Networks' unique solutions in security and datacenter automation.

Go-to knowledge resource for all things automation and DevOps including Ansible, Python, AWS, Azure and Containers.

Training Experts

2013 – Oct 2019 | Senior Technical Trainer

  • Deliver professional and entertaining class sessions on a diverse range of subject matter.

Bayer HealthCare DiabetesCare

2008 – 2013 | Application Developer

  • Lead developer of in-house software for small R&D team developing subcutaneous glucose monitoring sensors.


Willamette University

2003-2007 | Bachelor's degree in Philosophy


Juniper Connected Security Multicloud Demo

Since 2019 | Terraform Python AWS Azure Jinja2 vSRX

Plug-and-play solution for field resources to rapidly deploy a working Juniper Networks multicloud environment and demonstrate Connected Security features.

Tech Field Day Presentation and Demo

2020 | vSRX AWS Azure Terraform Python

Evangelizing for Juniper Networks Connected Security Solutions with engaging live demonstrations.

Education Content Development Process Refresh

Since 2020 | GitLab Markdown Python

Revamped the entire course development process, relentlessly seeking and obtaining buy-in from a wide variety of stakeholders, both technical and non-technical.

Inventory Management Application

2012 - 2013 | PHP Javascript JQuery Excel MSSQL

Web application for tracking inventory and performing hazardous material evaluation and indentification.

Automated Sensor Test and Analysis Framework

2013 | Excel VBA

Software to automate sensor test process, subsequent data analysis and reporting through a single interface.



Experienced Python instructor with the battle-hardened skills that come with teaching others.

  • PyEZ
  • Ansible Module Development
  • Flask

Technical Writing and Presentation

Natural communicator with a passion for making complex topics understandable and exciting.

  • Instructional Design
  • Product Evangelism
  • Master Presenter
  • Demo Guru


  • GitLab
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • AWS
  • Azure


  • jmckenzie@juniper.net
  • (503)207-3257